Be perfect.
If you ask people on the streets if they are “good” you’ll get a fair amount of affirmative responses, but “perfect” is a different ask altogether. Human perfection, impossible. Those that demand it of themselves eventually find themselves crushed.
Who in the world can be free of faults, free of defects, absolutely good? I certainly can’t claim it. Perfection is otherworldly.
Yet here is Jesus’ invitation “Be perfect.”
We cry, “But I’m good.”
Jesus responds, “Be perfect.”
I don’t murder. I’m faithful to my partner. I love good people.
Jesus shines a light on my soul. You are good, but what about the hatred you hold within, what about the lust no one sees, what about how you treat those who bring you down? “Be perfect.”
“Impossible!” I say. “Exactly!” Jesus responds.
“Is this a trick?”
“No, its the Way. The first step toward your perfection is recognition of your imperfection.”
The Resources arrive when you realise you have no resources.
“Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is…heaven.”
“Blessed are those who mourn for they are comforted.”
“Blessed are the meek for theirs is…earth.”
“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst…for they will be satisfied.”
“Narrow is the way that leads to spaciousness.”
Good is ok, but “Perfect” comes from a different world. “Perfect” requires resources beyond human limitations. “Perfect” belongs to those prepared to receive it.
Are you able? Admit your need. Believe. Receive… I am the Way.
(From Matthew 5-7)