I have a race to run.
It is not a competition, but it is a race consisting of a start and a finish. It requires perseverance and is sometimes a pain.

I never thought I would like running, but in recent years I found that there can be enjoyment in the challenge. it is hard to get out the door, but there can be satisfaction in the action. Breathing fresh air, pushing beyond comfort, clarity in thinking, seeing new places, completing new routes.

I used to laugh at coaches who would shout, “Come on, give it 110 percent!” I thought, “That’s impossible. I only have 100% to give.” After growing up a bit I’ve come to realise the coaches were not asking for an impossibility. They were not asking me to give more than I could. They were asking me to give 10% more than I PLANNED to give. That’s not impossible. If I ran 5km I can often run 500 meters more.

Try 110% every now and then. It can be fun.

“Let us run with endurance the race that is set before us…”

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