• I have heard it said, “A genius is someone who makes complex things simple.” I agree. That kind of genius is helpful, and it can be a lucrative skill to possess. People like answers. People need answers. People want answers, quick. We live in a complex world. We need easy-to-remember [...]

  • Be perfect. If you ask people on the streets if they are “good” you’ll get a fair amount of affirmative responses, but “perfect” is a different ask altogether. Human perfection, impossible. Those that demand it of themselves eventually find themselves crushed. Who in the world can be free of faults, [...]

  • I remember the question that was asked when I was in my teens and twenties was often, “What would you like to do when you grow up?” I think it is a good and valid question. It is a question that helps us to explore what we like, what our [...]

  • It is difficult to describe the internal development that took place in my life over twenty-six years ago. One of the ways I describe it is that “God got a hold of my life.” Another way I could say it is that I had a revolutionary experience at my core [...]

  • Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise. Benjamin Franklin I have found the above words attributed to Benjamin Franklin as a helpful reminder. I sometimes need memorable axioms that may not convey all there is to know about a subject, yet help me [...]

  • Teach us to number our days that we may gain a heart of wisdom. Psalm 90:12 I have had a wrinkled piece of printer paper on the wall next to my desk for four years. On it are the words, “Teach us to number our days that we may gain [...]