• Ponder: to reflect and consider quietly, soberly and deeply; to weigh in the depth of your being. When was the last time you pondered? I know, I know, it is so much easier to just click “watch next episode” or to simply swipe up on the next reel, but join [...]

  • One challenge that I repeatedly confront is a lack of focus and mental clarity. In my love for knowledge, I often get lost in the fog of excessive information. As the saying goes, “Don’t lose the forest for the trees.” What to do? There are many ways to confront this [...]

  • This year I am regularly tutoring my children in Maths. I call it “attitude class”. One of the biggest roadblocks is not their ability, but their attitude. In fact, they are each highly capable, yet what keeps one of them from progressing is perfectionism. PERFECTIONISM The inner voice of perfectionism [...]

  • Right now I have a picture frame sitting on a shelf in my office. Placed within that picture frame is an image of my wife and I sitting down with three of my children. Only ten years ago I had no idea that I would be married to my now [...]

  • Could simply moving a plant in your office increase your creative aptitude? Could taking the time to solve an outrageous problem like getting a pair of your shoes into outer space get you on the path toward creative genius? According to the science of creativity, “Yes!” There are actually a [...]