• I have heard it said, “A genius is someone who makes complex things simple.” I agree. That kind of genius is helpful, and it can be a lucrative skill to possess. People like answers. People need answers. People want answers, quick. We live in a complex world. We need easy-to-remember [...]

  • Be perfect. If you ask people on the streets if they are “good” you’ll get a fair amount of affirmative responses, but “perfect” is a different ask altogether. Human perfection, impossible. Those that demand it of themselves eventually find themselves crushed. Who in the world can be free of faults, [...]

  • I remember the question that was asked when I was in my teens and twenties was often, “What would you like to do when you grow up?” I think it is a good and valid question. It is a question that helps us to explore what we like, what our [...]

  • Mind Yourself

    It is difficult to describe the internal development that took place in my life over twenty-six years ago. One of the ways I describe it is that “God got a hold of my life.” Another way I could say it is that I had a revolutionary experience at my core [...]

  • Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise. Benjamin Franklin I have found the above words attributed to Benjamin Franklin as a helpful reminder. I sometimes need memorable axioms that may not convey all there is to know about a subject, yet help me [...]

  • Right now I have a picture frame sitting on a shelf in my office. Placed within that picture frame is an image of my wife and I sitting down with three of my children. Only ten years ago I had no idea that I would be married to my now [...]

  • Could simply moving a plant in your office increase your creative aptitude? Could taking the time to solve an outrageous problem like getting a pair of your shoes into outer space get you on the path toward creative genius? According to the science of creativity, “Yes!” There are actually a [...]

  • “We all have the same 24 hours in a day.” There is no truer statement, yet in practice we see that some people are able to get an unbelievable amount of work done while others struggle to accomplish anything. We should all know that being busy certainly doesn’t mean you are getting things [...]

  • Teach us to number our days that we may gain a heart of wisdom. Psalm 90:12 I have had a wrinkled piece of printer paper on the wall next to my desk for four years. On it are the words, “Teach us to number our days that we may gain [...]